Thursday, 12 January 2012

Maude, Illustrator, avid reader.

Maude drew this after the intesive interview!

What inspires you?
Trees. In the forest and on my bookshelf.

What drives you to produce what you do?
The little moments of fizz, every now and again, when you do something that “works”.

How would you describe your creative process?
It happens unexpectedly. I’ll be walking along minding my own business, then *BAM*! I’m sitting at my desk working furiously and no-one is allowed to interrupt me OR ELSE.

What handmade item do you cherish?
A beautiful cherry-red ceramic lampshade made by the infinitely talented Yoko Ozawa. Unfortunately I don’t own a house to hang it in, but I cherish the dream of it dangling over my kitchen table!

Besides your creative work, what else do you do, and like doing?
I am almost a qualified Librarian… it follows that I like reading, the alphabet and generally just hanging out with books.

Which artist, writer, designer or craftsperson (living or dead) do you admire?
So many. So I will be fickle and say, at the moment, Janet Frame.

What can make your day?
Bad spelling.

What is a favourite quote or saying?
The empty can rattles the most.

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