Thursday, 19 January 2012

Trish, Editor, Writer and Music Lover

Trish is the person behind the 'gem' of a local mag. "Talking Heads'.

The magazine is full of 'feel good' stories and all sorts of information about what is happening around the local scene.

She started the mag. in 2002 and publishes monthly. The readership is around 8,000 and although Barwon Heads focussed, is appreciated by readers far and wide.

View from the office
What inspires you?
The opportunity to produce ethical, creative & honest media & communication.

What drives you to produce what you do?

Mostly the need to earn a living at something, as above, creative & ethical.

How would you describe your creative process?
Hit & miss and possibly channelled from a higher source as I often wake up with what I need when I need it.

What handmade item do you cherish most?
A cotton jumper that was knitted partly by my mother before she passed away, finished after she’d gone & when I wear it I feel close to her
Besides your creative work, what else do you do, and like doing? 

Running live music gigs with independent musicians who write all their own material. Cooking.

Which artist, writer, designer or craftsperson (living or dead) do you admire?
Gaudi, Dali, Somerset Maugham, Robin Boyd, Joan Lindsay

What was the last book/magazine that you purchased?
Jamie’s Italy

What can make your day?
 Music, kids laughing.

There were lots of laughs and fun to be had at a Zine Workshop at Queenscliff in 2011

What is a favourite quote or saying?
'I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can.  I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I live.'  ~George Bernard Shaw
To contact Trish or more info   Talking Heads Magazine

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